ESS is rented per user on a monthly basis. You pay as much licenses as needed for the next month. If less users log on, fees will automatically be transfered to the next month. The first user is and remains free of charge.

If you need more than one user, refer to the following table for monthly fees.

1st  User: free
2nd  User: 49, - €
3rd  User: 48, - €
4th  User: 47, - €
...  User: ...
30th  User: 21, - €
31st  User: 20, - €
32nd  User: 20, - €
...  User: 20, - €

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
The contract is not bound to any life time, neither a minimum number of licenses. In vacation times, for example, less licenses may be used. You may adjust the licenses to the current situation of your company any time you want, without any notice to us.

The user activity lists the users logged on the current month. Hence, you always have full control and transparency.